1005 - Upward Mobility Program (Historical View)
** Effective: 3/19/2025 10:15:13 AM - Present **Status: Active
Change Notes
Contact updated: Updated phone number
Equal Employment Opportunity
Audience List
- Agency Secretaries
- Department Directors
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officers
- Human Resources Chiefs
- Training Officers
- Upward Mobility Coordinators
- Workforce Development Coordinators
- Labor Relations Officers
This policy requires departments to:
- Appoint an Upward Mobility Program Coordinator to administer the department’s Upward Mobility Program.
- Develop and maintain a written Upward Mobility policy, plan, procedures, and program participation application and selection criteria.
- Implement an effective Upward Mobility Program for employees in Low-Paying Entry-Level (LPEL) classifications.
- Annually establish Upward Mobility goals.
- Annually submit Upward Mobility data and action plan to the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) through the Workforce Analysis.
All state departments are required by Government Code section 19400 to establish and maintain an effective UM Program for state employees in LPEL classifications. Upward Mobility is the planned development and advancement of employees in LPEL classifications to Entry-Level Technical, Professional, and Administrative (ELTPA) classifications. Upward Mobility is not, as commonly thought, the promotion of employees through the ranks, from working level classifications to supervisory and managerial classifications. The UM Program assists employees in LPEL classifications in developing their skills and advancing to ELTPA classifications, which are more challenging and generally higher paying.
Each department's appointing power shall develop a UM policy statement asserting the department’s commitment to provide upward mobility opportunities for employees in LPEL classifications. The UM policy statement shall affirm the department’s responsibility to establish and implement an effective UM program.
Each department shall appoint a UM Program Coordinator whose primary role is to administer the UM Program, assist employees with UM plan development, establish departmental UM hiring goals, and assist the EEO Officer in coordinating, monitoring, and annually reporting the department’s UM Program efforts to CalHR through the Workforce Analysis.
The Upward Mobility Program Guidelines provide a model for administering each department’s UM Program. The UM Program Guidelines list the UM Program components required by statutes and regulations, including developing a UM plan, program procedures, and program participation application and selection criteria; advertising program access, services, and participation information; and strategies on effective program implementation.
Each department is required to report UM Program data to CalHR annually through the Workforce Analysis. Reported data include UM hiring goals, action plans, UM training budget, and program participation.
In accordance with CalHR’s statutorily mandated responsibility to pursue statewide advocacy, coordination, enforcement, and monitoring of EEO programs, including UM, CalHR will identify additional strategies and benchmarks, including an annual UM Program participation goal.
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, 599.819
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, 599.983
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, 599.984
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.817
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.981
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.985
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.986
- Government Code section 19400-19406
- Government Code section 19402
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.982
- Government Code section 19790
Related Policies
- Upward Mobility Program Guidelines: Upward Mobility Program Guidelines
Authorized By
Division Chief
Civil Rights Programs,
Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division
Contact Person
Civil Rights
Program Manager,
Phone: 916-909-3707
Email: civil.rights@calhr.ca.gov