1005 - Upward Mobility Program (Historical View)

** Effective: 1/13/2017 1:06:37 PM - 2/9/2017 2:39:26 PM **

Status: Active

Change Notes

added authority


Equal Employment Opportunity

Audience List


This policy provides requirements to ensure departments:


Mandated by Government Code section 19400, all state agencies are required to establish and maintain an effective Upward Mobility program for state employees in low-paying occupations. Upward Mobility is a planned development and advancement of employees in low-paying occupations, e.g., Office Assistant, Accounting Technician, Program Technician I/II/III, etc. to entry-level technical, professional and administrative classifications. The goal of the Upward Mobility program is to provide assistance to employees in those low-paying occupations who desire to advance into entry-level technical, professional, and administrative career paths.  It is not, as commonly thought, the promotion of employees through the ranks, from working level positions to supervisory and managerial provisions within the same occupations.   


Each state agency is responsible for implementing and establishing an effective Upward Mobility program as outlined in the California Department of Human Resources Guidelines for Administering Departmental Upward Mobility Programs 2016.  The appointing power of each agency shall develop an Upward Mobility policy statement regarding the agency’s commitment to provide upward mobility opportunities for employees in low-paying occupations, develop an Upward Mobility plan, program procedures, selection criteria, and information on how employees may participate and access Upward Mobility program information. 

In addition, each agency shall appoint an Upward Mobility Coordinator whose primary role is to assist employees with Upward Mobility plan development, establish departmental Upward Mobility goals, coordinate, monitor, and annually report on the department’s Upward Mobility program efforts to CalHR’s Office of Civil Rights on June 1st through the Workforce Analysis.  


Not Applicable.



Web Pages

Authorized By

Glenna Wheeler
Chief, Executive Office

Contact Person

Nicole Placencia
Staff Services Manager I, , Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division
Phone: 916-322-2070
Fax: 916-327-2349
Email: nicole.placencia@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.