1704 - Salary Upon Transfer to a Deep Class (Historical View)

** Effective: 5/25/2017 12:32:30 PM - 2/6/2018 6:22:49 AM **

Status: Active

Change Notes

Contact updated: Removed "acting" designation from title.



Audience List


This policy


There are instances where, upon transfer into a deep class, an employee may incur a loss in salary based on existing salary rules.  To avoid this, the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) recommends placing the employee on a Training & Development (T&D) assignment until they meet the alternate range criteria that allow the transfer without a loss in salary.


To prevent a loss in salary upon transfer to a deep class, CalHR recommends placing incumbents on an approved T&D assignment for a period of time sufficient to meet the higher alternate range criteria.  Upon successful completion of the T&D assignment, the employee should be transferred to the appropriate alternate range, and then moved to the next higher alternate range effective the same day.

If the transfer does not provide the employee with at least their current salary, departments are encouraged to grant an exception so the employee does not incur a salary loss.  In these cases, departments should complete CalHR Form 743.



An employee appointed from a list to the Executive Assistant classification transferred to the Staff Services Analyst (SSA) classification effective 6/01/16.

Based on the transfer calculation below, transfer to Range C was not allowed; the range differential was more than 9.9%.  Therefore, the employee was placed on a T&D assignment to gain the experience needed to meet Alternate Range Criteria 069.

Salaries of SSA and Executive Assistant, as of 6/01/16:

From Class:

Title: Executive Assistant (1728)
Salary Range: $3438–4303

To Class:

Title: Staff Services Analyst (5157)
Salary Range A: $2945–3690
Salary Range B: $3189–3992
Salary Range C: $3824–4788

For discretionary movement to a deep class, comparison is made to all ranges.

Compare the maximum salary rates of all ranges.

Transfer calculation from Executive Assistant to Staff Services Analyst.
Range“To” – “From” SalaryDifferenceDivide by lower classRange Differential
A$3690 − 4303−613÷ 3690−16.6%
B$3992 − 4303−311÷ 3992−7.8%
C$4788 − 4303+485÷ 4303+11.3%

At the conclusion of the T&D, the employee was transferred to Range B, $3992. The employee was then eligible for movement to Range C and received a 5% increase under California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.676, per Alternate Range Criteria 069 ($3992 × 1.05 = $4192). This resulted in a $111 loss; therefore, the department may approve an exception to California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.676. The exception would allow a SAL transaction to be processed for the employee to retain their salary of $4303.

All transactions shall be effective on the same day.





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Authorized By

Contact Person

Personnel Management Division
Personnel Program Consultant, , Personnel Management Division
Phone: 916-324-3367
Fax: 916-327-1886
Email: pmd@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.