2703 - Peace Officer/Firefighter Retirement (POFF) (Historical View)

** Effective: 10/1/2024 1:10:34 PM - 10/1/2024 3:17:53 PM **

Status: Active

Change Notes

Authorized By Contact updated: Change phone number



Audience List


This policy:


The Peace Officer/Firefighter (PO/FF) retirement membership was designed for state employees who are employed in law enforcement classifications or positions and firefighters whose principal duties consist of active firefighting/fire suppression.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the retirement benefits and criteria used by CalHR to determine which classifications or positions are eligible for PO/FF retirement benefits.


PO/FF Retirement Benefits

The major benefits of the PO/FF retirement plan include:

  1. Higher benefit formula (3 percent at age 50, 3 percent at age 55, 2.5 percent at age 55, 2.7 percent at age 57 or 2.5 percent at age 57), as specified in the Memoranda of Understandings and CalPERS laws.

  2. Earlier retirement age compared to state employees subject to the miscellaneous and industrial membership.

  3. Enhanced death and disability benefits.

  4. Employees and employers are exempt from paying Social Security tax.

Criteria for Determining Eligibility for PO/FF Retirement Benefits

CalPERS laws, Government Code sections 20391, 20392, 20393, and 20395, provides PO/FF eligibility and criteria as follows:

Rank and File Employees

PO/FF membership includes full-time permanent employees represented by either Bargaining Unit 6 (Corrections), Bargaining Unit 7 (Protective Services and Public Safety), or Bargaining Unit 8 (Firefighters).

Traditionally, any changes to retirement designations for rank and file classifications must be conducted by CalHR through the bargaining and State Personnel Board processes.

Excluded, CEA, and Exempt Employees

CalPERS law, Government Code section 20398, outlines the criteria required for PO/FF membership for excluded, CEA, and Exempt employees.

  1. PO/FF membership includes state officers and employees (other than patrol officers) designated as “peace officers,” as defined in Penal Code sections 830.1, 830.2, 830.3, 830.38, 830.4, and 830.5.  In addition, the majority (51 percent) of his or her duties must consist of one of the following:
    • Responsibility for direct supervision of state PO/FF personnel as specified in CalPERS law, Government Code section 20391, 20392, 20393, and 20395. This criteria would generally apply to supervisors and managers who have direct supervision of rank and file PO/FF members.
    • Conducting investigations or audit of investigatory practices and other audit of, or in, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. This criteria would generally apply to special agents and affiliated supervisors and managers.
    • Administration of programs of an agency, department, or other organizational unit that is primarily responsible for active law enforcement or active fire suppression. This criteria would generally apply to employees in CEA and Exempt positions.
  2. Firefighters who have principal duties that consist of active firefighting/fire suppression.

Definitions: For purposes of determining PO/FF eligibility, pursuant to CalPERS law, Government Code section 20398:

Exclusions: Employees in a classification or position shall not be granted PO/FF benefits if the ongoing responsibilities include the following:

Requesting a PO/FF Class or Position Designation

Departments and labor organizations must submit a PO/FF designation request to CalHR, Benefits Division, as follows:

  1. The department should review the PO/FF membership criteria to determine if the classification or position may meet PO/FF requirements.

  1. Complete the “Retirement Designation Request, CalHR Form 619,” PO/FF Questionnaire, CalHR Form 170, and attach the supporting documents outlined in the form. Submit all documents as one package. All documents must be signed by your executive staff.

  2. Submit the PO/FF retirement designation request package under the following options:

CalHR, Benefits Division
1515 S Street, North Building, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95811

Approval of PO/FF Designation


Note: Departments are not authorized to provide PO/FF designation for a class or position without CalHR approval. The CalHR review process may take up to 30-45 days depending on the complexity of the request.

PO/FF Enrollment Errors

Departments should ensure the classification or position has been approved for PO/FF prior to keying in PO/FF retirement designations. Both CalHR and CalPERS conduct periodic audits to identify any PO/FF enrollment errors. If it is determined an employee is misallocated to the PO/FF retirement plan, a correction must be made retroactively to the date the error was made in order to be in compliance with CalPERS laws, Government Code section 20160-20164.

Effective Date for PO/FF Retirement Benefits

CalHR has no authority to approve requests on a retroactive basis. The Public Employee’s Pension Reform Act of 2013 prohibits all public employers from providing retroactive enhancements to a public employee’s retirement formula or benefits adopted on or after January 1, 2013, and cannot apply to any service performed prior to the effective date.  Please refer to Government Code section 7522.44. The PO/FF enrollment effective date must be the beginning of the monthly pay period.

Ongoing Reporting Responsibilities

CalHR and departmental staff must ensure the following ongoing reporting is conducted to ensure state employee retirement benefits are accurately reported to CalPERS.



Departments should notify employees of changes to the PO/FF retirement eligibility or benefits upon receiving notice from CalHR.

Departments must enter the appropriate retirement code in the SCO system.





Related Policies

Web Pages

Authorized By

Benefits Division
Benefits Division Inquiries, Benefits Division

Contact Person

Policy Retirement
CalHR, , Retirement Policy
Phone: 916-322-0300
Email: Retirementrequests@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.