1413 - Group Long Term Disability Insurance (Historical View)

** Effective: 1/22/2025 10:27:41 AM - 1/22/2025 10:29:30 AM **

Status: Active

Change Notes

Resource updated: Updating link and resource link name to match Group LTD more appropriately.


Benefits and Insurance

Audience List


This policy provides:


The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) is responsible for the administration of the Long Term Disability (LTD) Program for eligible excluded state employees only. The purpose of this policy is to outline the most current LTD program benefit, eligibility and premium rates for excluded state employees.



LTD was implemented in 1988 for active excluded employees. This benefit is intended to provide income protection in the event an employee becomes disabled due to an illness or injury and is unable to work for six months or longer.

The LTD carrier is Standard Insurance Company (The Standard).


The LTD program offers two income protection benefit options to select from, either 55 percent of the first $18,182 or 65 percent of the first $15,385 of the employee's pre-disability earnings (monthly base salary), reduced by other deductible income benefits.

Eligibility Criteria

Active excluded employees appointed permanent or probationary, half time or greater, with one of the following designations are eligible to enroll in LTD.

Employees in a limited-term appointment, who otherwise meet the eligibility criteria may enroll in LTD only if they have a mandatory right of return to a position that meets the above criteria.

Not Eligible

Represented and excluded employees who are appointed to permanent-intermittent positions are not eligible to enroll in LTD.

Premium Rates

Refer to the CalHR State Employee website or the CalHR Benefits Administration Manual for current rates.

The links to the websites are listed below under resources.

Administrative Fee

There is an $.80 cent administrative fee paid by the employee each month.

Enrollment Newly Hired or Newly Eligible

Newly hired or newly eligible excluded employees may enroll in the LTD Program within the first 60 days of employment.

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment for LTD is held annually in the fall. The effective date of enrollment is January 1.

During open enrollment, eligible excluded employees may enroll and employees who are curently enrolled may change their plan option.

Employees already enrolled are not required to re-enroll during open enrollment in order to continue their current coverage.

Employees may cancel coverage any time throughout the year.

Effective Date of Coverage for Newly Hired or Newly Eligible

Newly hired and newly eligible employees have 60 days to enroll. The form must be received by The Standard by the end of their 60 day eligibility period.

The employee’s effective date of coverage will begin on the first day of the month, following the first premium deduction.

If the employee submits a form rather than using the online enrollment, the form must be mailed directly to The Standard Insurance within the 60-day eligibility period.

Do not mail the forms to State Controller's Office.

Effective Date of Coverage for Open Enrollment

Enrollment and changes made during Open Enrollment are effective January 1.

Forms must be received by The Standard by the close of the open enrollment period.

How to Enroll

Eligible excluded state employees can enroll online by visiting The Standard Insurance website.

The link is listed below under resources.

Completing the LTD Enrollment Authorization Form

Should an employee wish to complete an enrollment form, the employee is required to complete Section A, B, and C of the enrollment form and mail the completed form to The Standard Insurance.

Personnel offices should not send the completed forms to the State Controller's Office. Please advise the employees of the LTD enrollment options and direct employees to The Standard contact information as follows:

Where to Mail or Email Forms

National Accounts SOC Team

Standard Insurance

900 SW Fifth Avenue

Portland, OR  97204-9805

Direct Customer Service Line: (971) 321-8150

Toll-Free Customer Service Line: (888) 641-7193

Email: socltdforms@standard.com

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time

Annual Age Review

Effective January 1, premiums for employees who moved to the next higher premium age group (e.g., from age 39 to 40, 49 to 50, etc.) will increase and will be reflected in the December pay period.


Not Applicable.





Web Pages

Authorized By

Benefits Division
Benefits Division Inquiries, Benefits Division

Contact Person

Group Long Term Disability Insurance
Phone: 916-909-2863
Email: ltd@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.