2113 - Personal Leave Program (PLP) (Historical View)
** Effective: 7/14/2020 6:26:01 PM - 8/28/2020 12:07:27 PM **Status: Active
Change Notes
Effective July 1, 2020, in response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) is implementing the Personal Leave Program 2020 (PLP 2020).
Audience List
- Employee Relations Officers
- Personnel Officers
- Personnel Transactions Supervisors
- Labor Relations Officers
This policy
- Provides information on the Personal Leave Program 2020 (PLP 2020) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Provides information on percentage of pay reduction and PLP 2020 hours to be credited for various work schedules.
- Provides brief historical information on the Personal Leave Program (PLP).
- Describes appropriate use of remaining PLP and furlough hours.
- Outlines previously implemented PLP, including duration and accrual information.
Effective July 1, 2020, in response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) is implementing the Personal Leave Program 2020 (PLP 2020).
To assist in achieving a budget savings, the state has reached agreements with Bargaining Units (BU) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 for a PLP 2020 Program. In addition, employees excluded from collective bargaining and non-statutory exempt employees are subject to PLP 2020.
Full-time and part-time employees shall have their PLP 2020 credited on the first day of each pay period for the duration of the PLP 2020 Program. Intermittent employees will have PLP 2020 credited based on the number of hours worked during the pay period.
The following employees are not subject to PLP 2020:
Retired Annuitants appointed under Government Code sections 19144, 21154, 21223, 21224, 21225 and 21227.
CBID E-Designated Classes.
Seasonal (with the exception of seasonal Fire Fighter I and Fire Lookout) and temporary employees.
SEIU employees who are not eligible for state-sponsored health benefits.
Excluded employees within the Legislative Counsel Bureau and the Bureau of State Audits.
Receiver’s Career Executive Assignment (CEA) class codes 8200, 8216, 8239 and 8241.
PLP 2020 shall be administered consistent with the existing payroll system and the policies and practices of the State Controller’s Office.
Employees are subject to the provisions of the PLP 2020 as outlined under the Application section below.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21
Effective July 1, 2020, rank-and-file employees in BU 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall receive a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees in BU 3 working an academic year will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall receive a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for PLP 2020 leave credits as shown below based on the calendar worked:
Days Per Academic Year | Full-Time Accrual Rate |
176 | 10.84 |
184 | 11.32 |
194 | 11.94 |
209 | 12.86 |
220 | 13.54 |
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the monthly pay period.
Permanent Intermittent and Special School employees who are subject to the State Special Schools 10-month compensation agreement shall be subject to the proration of salary and PLP 2020 credits.
Bargaining Unit 3 Teachers and Vocational Instructors are addressed in a separate attachment in the Resources section below.
Part-time, Intermittent and Permanent Intermittent and Special School accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
Employees will be given maximum discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to severe operational considerations.
Where feasible, PLP 2020 should be used in the pay period it was earned.
PLP 2020 must be used before any other leave with the exception of sick leave and Professional Development Days.
Employees may elect to use PLP in lieu of approved sick leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
When an employee has requested to use PLP 2020, and the request is denied on two separate, consecutive occasions, the employee’s third request for PLP 2020 shall be approved subject to severe operational considerations that make granting the request a health or safety risk.
PLP 2020 accruals do not expire.
PLP 2020 may be cashed out upon separation from state service.
PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as “time worked” for overtime purposes except when an employee is mandated to work overtime or has been redirected and is mandated to work overtime to process unemployment claims in the same week in which they use approved leave then that approved leave will be considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers’ Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from the PLP 2020 for that month.
Effective July 1, 2020, no SEIU Local 1000 represented employee shall make less than $15/hour as a result of the implementation of PLP 2020.
Permanent Intermittent employees who do not meet the required minimum of 480 paid hours in a control period (January through June and July through December) or 960 paid hours in two consecutive control periods for health benefit eligibility, will not be subject to PLP 2020 and will not receive the $260 pay differential for the ineligible period.
During the period of January 1-15 and July 1-15 of each year, departments must verify each permanent intermittent employee’s preceding control period hours to ensure health benefit eligibility is met. Any necessary changes to the employee’s employment history are effective February 1st or August 1st, based upon the end of the control period ending June 30th or December 31st (i.e., adding or removing the pay differential).
Continuation of the Voluntary PLP (VPLP) during the duration of PLP 2020 shall be at the discretion of the employee. If the employee elects to alter their participation in VPLP, they shall be allowed to opt out or change at any time during the PLP 2020 program.
California Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges and Hearing Officers (CASE) – Bargaining Unit 2
Effective July 1, 2020, rank-and-file employees in BU 2 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee shall continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the monthly pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
PLP 2020 shall have no cash value and may not be cashed out except upon separation from employment.
Employees will be given discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to operational considerations.
Where feasible, employees should use the leave in the pay period it was earned and it should be used before any other leave.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with the departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
The hours earned under PLP 2020 shall not have an expiration date.
All leave earned under PLP 2020 should be used prior to voluntary separation. Appointing powers may schedule employees to take PLP 2020 time off to meet the intent of the Side Letter agreement.
Time during which an employee is excused from work because of PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as “time worked” for purposes of determining the number of hours in a work week for the purposes of overtime.
PLP 2020 shall neither affect the employee's final compensation used in calculating State retirement benefits; nor reduce the level of State death or disability benefits to supplement those benefits with paid leave; nor affect the rate at which accrued leave is paid upon separation.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers' Compensation (Labor Code Section 4800.5 benefits and TD benefits) for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from PLP 2020 for that month.
California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) – Bargaining Unit 6
Effective July 1, 2020 rank-and-file employees in BU 6 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 4.62 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 12 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits, except for employees with the special schedules below.
Full-time employees in 7K alternate ranges shall have a 4.5 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 12 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees in the Fire Captain (class code 9001) Alternate Ranges L and M, 192-hour schedule shall have a 3.85 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 12 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees in the Fire Captain (class code 9001) Alternate Ranges N and P, 216-hour schedule shall have a 3.42 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 12 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time-base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
PLP 2020 shall have no cash value and may not be cashed out, except as permitted in very limited circumstances (e.g., non-voluntary separation).
Employees will be given discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to the following operational considerations:
PLP 2020 time must be used before any other leave with the exception of sick leave.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
When an employee has PLP 2020, PLP 2012, PLP 2010, furlough hours or CTO (as a result of MOU section 12.06) available and uses any other accrued paid leave, except sick leave; the leave used will be corrected on the 998 by personnel to reflect usage of PLP 2020, PLP 2012, PLP 2010, furlough hours or CTO without prior notification to the employee. Personnel will provide a notification to the employee informing them of the appropriate leave deduction.
All leave earned under PLP 2020 must be used prior to voluntary separation. Appointing powers may schedule employees to take PLP 2020 time off to meet the intent of the Side Letter agreement. If an employee’s separation is not voluntary and the separation date cannot be extended, PLP 2020 shall be cashed out.
Time during which an employee is excused from work because of PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as "time worked" for purposes of determining the number of hours worked in a work week.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers’ Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from PLP 2020 for that month.
California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) – Bargaining Unit 7
Effective July 1, 2020, rank-and-file employees in BU 7 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees at the Department of Parks and Recreation in the State Park Peace Officer (Ranger) classification (class code 0983), 171-hour 7K work schedule shall have an 8.64 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees at the Department of Developmental Services and Department of State Hospitals in the Fire Fighter classification (class code 8979), 192-hour 7K work schedule or a 216-hour 7K work schedule shall have a 6.58 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees at the Military Department, Department of Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs in the Captain Firefighter/Security Officer classification (class code 8989), 212-hour 7K work schedule shall have a 6.97 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Full-time employees at the Military Department, Department of Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs in the Firefighter/Security Officer classification (class code 8990) 212-hour 7K work schedule shall have a 6.97 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time-base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 20120 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the monthly pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
Employees will be given maximum discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to operational considerations.
Where feasible, PLP 2020 should be used in the pay period it was earned.
PLP 2020 must be used before any other leave with the exception of sick leave.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 must be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 must be submitted in accordance with the departmental policy on vacation/annual leave.
PLP 2020 may be cashed out upon separation from state service.
Except as provided in Article 7.6N of the MOU, PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as “time worked” for purposes of determining the number or hours worked in a work week.
The employee’s normal salary rate will be used for purposes of calculating overtime, pay differentials and leave cash-out.
Effective July 1, 2020, no CSLEA represented employee shall make less than $15/hour as a result of the implementation of PLP 2020.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers’ Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from the PLP 2020 for that month.
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Firefighters (CalFIRE) – Bargaining Unit 8
Effective July 1, 2020, rank-and-file employees in BU 8 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee covered by Article 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, Fire Protection Employees, of the MOU will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 7.50 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each full-time employee covered by Article 8.4, Specialty Classes, of the MOU will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 7.50 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 14 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time-base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
Overtime shall be based on salary before the PLP 2020 reduction.
Employees will be given discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to operational considerations:
PLP 2020 time must be used before any other leave with the exception of sick leave.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
PLP 2020 may be cashed out upon separation from state service.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers’ Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from PLP 2020 for that month.
California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS) – Bargaining Unit 10
Effective July 1, 2020, rank-and-file employees in BU 10 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the monthly pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
PLP 2020 shall have no cash value and may not be cashed out prior to separation, except as permitted in very limited circumstances (e.g., non-voluntary separation).
Employees will be given discretion to use PLP 2020 in the same manner as vacation/annual leave (MOU sections 3.1 and 3.13, respectively) subject to operational considerations.
Employees are encouraged to use the leave in the pay period it was earned. All leave not used within the pay period shall be carried over.
PLP 2020 leave credits must be used before any other paid leave with the exception of sick leave and Professional Development Days.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 must be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
Whenever practicable employees should use all leave earned under PLP 2020 prior to voluntary separation. Appointing powers may schedule employees to take PLP 2020 time off to meet the intent of section 3.23 in the MOU. If an employee’s separation is not voluntary and the separation date cannot be extended, unused PLP 2020 leave credits shall be cashed out.
PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as “time worked” for the purposes of determining the number of hours worked in a work week.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers’ Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from the PLP 2020 for that month.
Continuation of the Voluntary PLP (VPLP) during the duration of PLP 2020 shall be at the discretion of the employee. If the employee elects to discontinue or make changes to their participation in VPLP, they shall be allowed to opt out or make changes to their election at any time during the PLP 2020 program.
Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) – Bargaining Unit 16
Effective July 1, 2020, represented employees in BU 16 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time base.
Each intermittent employee’s PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the monthly pay period.
Permanent Intermittent and Special School BU 16 employees who are subject to the State Special School 10-month compensation agreement shall be subject to the proration of salary and PLP 2020 credits.
Part-time, Intermittent and Permanent Intermittent and Special School accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
PLP 2020 shall have no cash value and may not be cashed out.
Employees will be given discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to operational considerations.
Where feasible, employees should use PLP 2020 leave in the pay period it was earned.
PLP 2020 time must be used before any other accrued leave with the exception of sick leave.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with the departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
Whenever feasible, an employee’s separation date should be extended to ensure all leave earned under PLP 2020 is used prior to separation. Appointing powers may schedule employees to take PLP 2020 time off to meet the intent of the Side Letter agreement. On rare occasions when an employee separates from state service, and has accumulated PLP 2020 hours which cannot be used prior to separation, these unused hours must be cashed out at the time of the employee’s separation.
PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as “time worked” for the purposes of determining the number of hours worked in a work week.
Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers' Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from PLP 2020 for that month.
Continuation of the Voluntary PLP (VPLP) during the duration of PLP 2020 shall be at the discretion of the employee. If the employee elects to discontinue participation in VPLP, they shall be allowed to opt out.
California Association of Psychiatric Technicians (CAPT) – Bargaining Unit 18
Effective July 1, 2020, rank-and-file employees in BU 18 shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2022 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Each full-time employee will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for 16 hours of PLP 2020 leave credits, split between two (2) pay periods within the calendar month.
Each part-time employee shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a prorated basis equivalent with their time base.
Each intermittent employees PLP 2020 credit shall be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the monthly pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
The following provisions will apply:
Employees will be given discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to operational considerations.
PLP 2020 leave credits must be used before any other paid leave with the exception of sick leave.
Employees may elect to use PLP 2020 in lieu of approved sick leave.
PLP 2020 shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave.
Requests for use of PLP 2020 leave must be submitted in accordance with departmental policies on vacation/annual leave.
All leave earned under PLP 2020 must be used prior to voluntary separation. Appointing powers may schedule employees to take PLP 2020 time off to meet the intent of the Side Letter agreement. If an employee is not granted the time off prior to separation, the PLP 2020 shall be cashed out. If an employee’s separation is not voluntary and the separation date cannot be extended, unused PLP 2020 shall be cashed out.
PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as “time worked” for overtime purposes, except when an employee is mandated to work overtime in the same week in which they use PLP 2020, that approved leave will be considered hours worked for the purposes of calculating overtime.
Employees on NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers’ Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from the PLP 2020 for that month.
Excluded and Exempt Employees
Effective July 1, 2020, most excluded and exempt employees shall be subject to PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods in the manner outlined below:
Most full-time employees will continue to work their assigned work schedule and shall have a 9.23 percent reduction in pay in exchange for up to 16 hours of PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods.
Full-time excluded and exempt employees tied to BU 5 shall receive a 4.62 percent reduction in pay in exchange for up to 9 hours of PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods.
Full-time excluded and exempt employees tied to BU 6 shall receive a 4.62 percent reduction in pay in exchange for up to 10 hours of PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods.
Full-time excluded employees tied to BU 8 who are covered by sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, Fire Protection Employees, shall receive a 7.50 percent reduction in pay in exchange for up to 16 hours of PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods.
Full-time excluded employees tied to BU 8 who are covered by sections 8.4, Specialty Classes, will receive a 7.50 percent reduction in pay in exchange for up to 14 hours of PLP 2020 from the July 2020 through June 2021 pay periods.
Career Executive Assignment (CEA) employees tied to BU 6, 7 and 8 will receive a reduction in pay in exchange for PLP 2020 leave credits consistent with the associated BU.
Part-time employees will receive PLP 2020 on a prorated basis equivalent with their time-base.
Intermittent employees will be prorated based on the number of hours worked in the pay period.
Part-time and Intermittent accrual charts are provided in the Resources section below.
PLP 2020 leave shall be administered in the same manner as other leave.
Employees should use PLP 2020 hours in the same pay period they are earned. Management should use discretion considering operational needs when approving time off. Employees are required to use PLP 2020, 2012, 2010 and furlough hours prior to using other leave with the exception of sick leave. Departments must monitor the use of employees’ leave each pay period to ensure these provisions are met.
PLP 2020, 2012, 2010 and furlough hours shall be used prior to voluntary separation. In instances where an employee’s separation date is scheduled in advance or at the employer’s discretion, such as layoff or termination, departments must require employees to use all unused PLP and furlough hours. In rare instances when the separation is unforeseen, the leave may be cashed out upon separation.
Additional Information
Statutory Exempt Employees
Effective July 1, 2020, the majority of statutory exempt employees shall have their salary reduced by the equivalent of two days per month during the period the PLP 2020 is in effect. Statutory exempt employees will not earn PLP leave credits.
Lump-Sum Payments
In rare instances when an employee cannot use their PLP 2020, 2012, 2010 or furlough hours prior to separation the leave may be cashed out. Lump-sum payments shall be paid based on the employee’s unreduced salary without a personal leave reduction. PLP 2020, 2012, 2010 and furlough leave credits accrued prior to the employee’s separation date are not included in the lump sum projection.
Intermittent and Actual Time Worked (ATW) Qualifying Service
Intermittent and ATW employees shall have PLP 2020 leave count toward their 1,500 hours and 189 days as of the time of the salary reduction. When an employee takes PLP 2020 time off, those hours shall not count towards their 1,500 hours and 189 days of work.
Historical Personal Leave Program (PLP) Information
PLP was established July 1, 1992, to achieve savings in employee salary costs during a fiscal crisis. In 2003, 2010, and 2012, PLP was reinitiated to assist in achieving budget savings to improve the state’s ability to meet its financial obligations. Executive Order S-15-10 was issued implementing various aspects of PLP, but the program was subject to change through collective bargaining which affected the start and end dates of each implementation.
Unused PLP 2012, PLP 2010, and Furlough Hours
Departments must continue to monitor and ensure that all accrued unused PLP 2010 and 2012 hours are exhausted prior to voluntary separation, termination, layoff, separation from state service (e.g., retirement), or other personnel actions such as rejection on probation or dismissal. PLP 2012 hours should be used first, followed by PLP 2010 and furlough hours. PLP hours should be used before vacation, annual leave, personal holiday, holiday credit, and compensating time off (CTO), but employees must obtain supervisory approval before using PLP or furlough hours in lieu of sick leave.
Whenever feasible, an employee’s separation date should be extended to ensure PLP 2012, PLP 2010, and furlough hours are exhausted prior to separation. In instances where an employee’s separation date is scheduled in advance or at the employer’s discretion, such as layoff or termination, departments must require employees to use all unused PLP 2012, PLP 2010 and furlough hours prior to separation. Employees must be directed to take time off from work to use these hours without exception and shall not be permitted to refuse to use accrued PLP 2012, PLP 2010, or furlough hours.
On rare occasions when an employee separates from state service and has accumulated PLP 2012 and/or PLP 2010 hours which cannot be used prior to separation, these unused hours must be paid at the time of the employee’s separation.
- Bargaining Contracts - MOUs
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.937
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.937.3
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.937.4
- Executive Order S-15-10
- Government Code section 19996.3
- BU 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 PLP 2020 Accrual Charts: Bargaining Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, and Related Excluded PLP 2020 Accrual Charts
- BU 3 PLP 2020 Accrual Charts: Bargaining Unit 3 Teachers Academic Calendar Schedule PLP 2020 Accrual Charts
- BU 6 PLP 2020 Accrual Chart: Bargaining Unit 6 PLP 2020 Accrual Chart
- BU 8 PLP 2020 Accrual Charts: Bargaining Unit 8 PLP 2020 Accrual Charts
- Excluded Employees Tied to BU 5 PLP 2020 Accrual Charts: Excluded Employees Tied to Bargaining Unit 5 PLP 2020 Accrual Charts
- PML 1992-078: PML 1992-078 - 8/20/1992 - Personal Leave Program
- PML 1992-101: PML 1992-101 - 9/15/1992 - Personal Leave Program (PLP) Update el
- PML 1993-024: PML 1993-024 - 4/2/1993 - Personnel Leave Program
- PML 2003-024: PML 2003-024 - 7/29/2003 - Personal Leave Day - Excluded Employees
- PML 2003-046: PML 2003-046 - 10/24/2003 - Personal Leave Program
- PML 2010-017: PML 2010-017 - 9/3/2010 - Personal Leave Program 2010 - Units 12, 16, 18, and 19
- PML 2011-004: PML 2011-004 - 2/15/2011 - Unit 3 Teachers – PLP 2010 Accruals
- PML 2011-013: PML 2011-013 - 5/9/2011 - Excluded and Exempt Pay Program
- PML 2011-014: SEIU Agreement
- PML 2011-015: Furlough Program and Personal Leave Program 2010/2011 - Bargaining Units 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 13
- PML 2011-016: California Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges, and Hearing Officers in State Employment (CASE) - Bargaining Unit 2
- PML 2011-017: California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) - Bargaining Unit 7
- PML 2011-018: Professional Engineers in California Government (PECG) - Bargaining Unit 9
- PML 2011-019: California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS) - Bargaining Unit 10
- PML 2011-020: International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) - Bargaining Unit 13
- PML 2011-030: California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) - Bargaining Unit 6
- PML 2012-016: PML 2012-016 - 6/28/2012 - Bargaining Unit 16 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-017: PML 2012-017 - 6/28/2012 - Bargaining Unit 12 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-018: PML 2012-018 - 6/28/2012 - Bargaining Unit 6 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-019: PML 2012-019 - 6/28/2012 - Bargaining Unit 5 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-020: PML 2012-020 - 6/28/2012 - Bargaining Unit 18 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-021: PML 2012-021 - 6/28/2012 - SEIU Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-022: PML 2012-022 - 7/2/2012 - Excluded and Exempt Employees - Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-023: PML 2012-023 - 7/2/2012 - Bargaining Unit 10 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-024: PML 2012-024 - 7/2/2012 - Bargaining Unit 19 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-025: PML 2012-025 - 7/3/2012 - Bargaining Unit 2 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-026: PML 2012-026 - 7/3/2012 - Bargaining Unit 8 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-027: PML 2012-027 - 7/3/2012 - Bargaining Unit 7 – Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012
- PML 2012-028: PML 2012-028 - 7/5/2012 - Unit 3 Represented and Exempt Teachers – PLP 2012 Accruals
- PML 2013-013: PML 2013-013 - 3/26/2013 - Unused PLP 2012, PLP 2010, and Furlough Hours
Web Pages
- Pay Differential 386: Personal Leave Program 2020 Differential – Bargaining Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 and Excluded Employees
- Pay Letter 13-08: Abolished Pay Differential 386
Authorized By
Melissa Russell
Personnel Management Division
Contact Person
Personnel Services Branch
Personnel Program Consultant,
, Personnel Services Branch
Phone: 916-323-3343
Fax: 916-327-1886
Email: psb@calhr.ca.gov