2602 - State Restriction of Appointments (SROA) (Historical View)

** Effective: 9/19/2024 2:33:06 PM - 9/19/2024 3:13:46 PM **

Status: Active

Change Notes

Contact updated: Remove fax number



Audience List


The policy:


The State Restriction of Appointment (SROA) process is used as a mitigation effort to reduce the impact of a layoff.  It gives the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) the authority to restrict the methods of appointment available to appointing powers in order to give employees impacted by layoffs an opportunity to retain state employment.

This policy contains a description of the SROA/Super SROA/Surplus process and the rights and responsibilities of all affected parties.  It is important that departments adhere to the processes as outlined in the SROA/Super SROA/Surplus Program.  Personnel Offices should refer to the SROA Manual (DPA 2004) on CalHR's website for detailed guidance.


Roles and Responsibilities

CalHR administers the SROA/Super SROA/Surplus program and has the following responsibilities:

Layoff departments have the following responsibilities:

Hiring departments have the following responsibilities:

Employees on SROA/Super SROA/Surplus have the following responsibilities:

General Information

Super SROA

The SROA Program, Super SROA process was amended pursuant to PML 2011-051. See Application section for amended procedures.


Super SROA

The Memoranda of Understanding between the state and Bargaining units (BUs) 2, 9, and 18 contain a clause which is referred to as “Super SROA" and provides that departments filling vacancies shall offer positions to employees facing layoff, demotion in lieu of layoff, or mandatory geographic transfer, who meet the minimum qualifications (MQs) for the vacancy being filled, provided the vacancy is equivalent in salary and responsibility and in the same geographic area and bargaining unit.

An employee in BU 2, 9, and 18 who has been designated as having Super SROA status for purposes of a particular layoff qualifies for Super SROA.

Super SROA employees must also meet the following three criteria:

  1. Work in a county touching the county in which the job vacancy exists;
  2. Currently serve in a class eligible to transfer to the position being filled (meet transfer eligibility requirements); and
  3. Meet the minimum qualifications (MQs) of the position being filled. Only those requirements specifically included in the MQs on the class specification, such as particular types of professional licenses or credentials, may be relied upon to request exclusion of an applicant from consideration.

Role of Departments Laying Off Super SROA Employees

In addition to providing employees SROA status, departments have unique obligations for Super SROA employees to help them locate jobs:

  1. Issue Super SROA/Surplus certification letter (sample linked under Resources) to the affected employee(s);
  2. Super SROA Worksheet form:
    1. Send the Super SROA employee a Super SROA Worksheet form (sample linked under Resources) to complete and return to the department’s human resource contact.
    2. Review the returned form and contact the employee to discuss their eligibility for the classes listed. If changes to the form are made, send a copy back to the employee for their records.
    3. Educate the employee on how to identify employment opportunities utilizing CalHR’s Jobs.CA.Gov website;
  3. Search for employment opportunities on the Jobs.CA.Gov website;
  4. Verify receipt of job vacancy bulletins from the hiring departments. Notify CalHR’s PSB of any job vacancies bulletins that you did not receive a notification from the hiring department;
  5. Upon receipt of job vacancy bulletins personally and expeditiously contact each Super SROA employee by email, telephone, or via their supervisors or managers to notify them of the job vacancies;
  6. Immediately follow this initial contact by providing copies of the job vacancy bulletins to each Super SROA employee;
  7. Instruct each Super SROA employee that meets the MQs for the class of the position to apply for the jobs he/she is interested in within five calendar days of receipt of the job vacancy bulletin. In addition, remind the Super SROA employee to follow the filing instructions on the job vacancy bulletin when applying for the job and to indicate that they are Super SROA on their application; and
  8. Super SROA status ends in the same way SROA status ends for all designated employees.

Role of Departments Hiring Employees in BU 2, 9, and 18

In addition to following the SROA procedures when filling a job vacancy, departments also have unique obligations to help Super SROA employees locate jobs:

  1. Order a certification list for the job vacancy and contact (such as sending employment inquiry letters) each Super SROA employee listed;
  2. Widely advertise employment opportunities including posting them on the Jobs.CA.Gov website and posting them in your department;
  3. Contact the SROA Coordinator for each of the departments listed on CalHR’s SROA website who have Super SROA employees in the Super SROA BU of the position vacancy being advertised. Notify the layoff department of the classification and duties of the job vacancy, number of vacancies, geographic location, and salary of the position(s) to be filled;
  4. Follow up the contact by sending each SROA Coordinator and CalHR’s PSB a job vacancy bulletin for each position to be filled;
  5. Departments MUST fill each vacant position with an employee who meets the Super SROA criteria, if one applies. There are NO EXEMPTIONS to Super SROA requirements;
    Note: Hiring departments that have determined a Super SROA employee does not have the required professional license and/or credentials for the job vacancy are required to contact CalHR’s PSB for review of the determination before proceeding with the recruitment.
  6. If no Super SROA employee, who is qualified for the job vacancy, applies for the job follow the provisions of the regular SROA Program;
  7. Complete a Super SROA Compliance Audit form (sample linked under Resources) for each Super SROA job vacancy filled and send it and the required documents to CalHR’s PSB; and
  8. Keep recruitment and hiring process documentation on file for audit purposes.

Role of Surplus/SROA Employees in BU 2, 9 and 18 Classes

  1. Determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for Super SROA;
  2. Review and sign the Super SROA Worksheet and return to the department contact person;
  3. Respond to job bulletins forwarded to you from your department’s SROA or Layoff Coordinator within five calendar days of their receipt; and
  4. Seek and apply for BU 2, 9, or 18 positions under the provisions of the regular SROA Program if you do not meet the Super SROA criteria.

Role of CalHR

  1. Maintain the listing of all departments with surplus BU 2, 9, and 18 employees in one particular section of the CalHR Web site, for easy reference by hiring departments;
  2. Ensure that a BU 2, 9, or 18 employee who does not meet the Super SROA criteria is afforded the right to be considered for positions under the provisions of the regular SROA Program; and
  3. Maintain and review hiring data provided by the State Controller’s Office to ensure that the provisions of both the Super SROA process and the regular SROA Program are being complied with.






Related Policies

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Authorized By

Melissa Russell
Chief, Personnel Management Division

Contact Person

Personnel Management Division
Personnel Program Consultant, , Personnel Management Division
Phone: 916-909-3295
Email: pmd@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.