1010 - Discrimination Complaint Tracking System (DCTS) (Historical View)

** Effective: 1/7/2020 9:20:08 AM - 1/7/2020 10:22:10 AM **

Status: Active

Change Notes



Equal Employment Opportunity

Audience List


This policy:


Each state agency is required to maintain an effective equal employment opportunity program, and CalHR provides statewide leadership in support of those programs by way of established guidelines, policies, and technical assistance. CalHR also has the responsibility for advocating, coordinating, enforcing and monitoring agency programs. The state takes the issues of harassment and discrimination complaints of all types very seriously and wants to better track how they are monitored and resolved. To address workplace harassment and discrimination in state agencies, it is crucial that reliable, detailed data on those complaints be collected statewide and CalHR is statutorily required to collect such statewide data.

Pursuant to its statutory mandate, CalHR has established the DCTS, which is a comprehensive cloud-based case management and tracking system that enables data collection of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation complaints, and denials of reasonable accommodation, by all state departments. The DCTS provides the capability to track complaints filed with state entities by capturing data such as discrimination/harassment complaint type, parties involved, dates of filing, investigation information and outcomes, and monetary costs related to judgments and settlements. Starting January 1, 2020 EEO Officers and Investigators will be required to log pertinent complaint data and upload files to the DCTS as a part of their statutory mandate to develop, implement, coordinate and monitor the agency’s EEO program.

CalHR will utilize the DCTS to fulfill its mandate to advocate, coordinate, enforce, and monitor equal employment opportunity programs statewide (Gov. Code § 19790). CalHR will monitor and track data within the system and as patterns and/or concerns are identified, consult with state departments to implement action plans to resolve issues and remedy problems. CalHR will report statewide complaint data. Such reports shall not include any personally identifiable information.


Government Code section 18573 requires each appointing power to provide access to records and prepare reports as required by CalHR. Government Code section 19792, subdivision (k) requires CalHR to establish and maintain a tracking system that shall enable the collection of discrimination and harassment complaint data across state agencies as prescribed by CalHR. In accordance with these statutory mandates and this policy, effective January 1, 2020, all department EEO Offices shall utilize DCTS to report complaint data in a single and secure location. Departments maintaining a separate system of complaint tracking may continue to utilize internal systems; however, all information related to discrimination and harassment complaints (including Department of Fair Employment and Housing and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints), complaints for a denial of a reasonable accommodation, related investigations, resolutions, and related post investigative actions such as judgments and settlements resulting from administrative and court proceedings shall be entered into DCTS.

DCTS Access Requirements

The DCTS serves as the centralized mechanism to track discrimination and harassment complaints received by departments. System users will adhere to the standards outlined in this section:

Report Generation

Departments shall have the ability to generate a variety of reports containing complaint data such as number of cases received, complaint type and case type categories, outcomes, parties involved, and monetary costs related to judgments and settlements. EEO Officers may generate ad hoc reports to objectively assess and monitor departmental EEO programs, and related personnel policies and practices.

CalHR shall review, analyze and report on statewide complaint data. A formal analysis of the data will be reported beginning March 2021, and no personally identifiable information shall be included in that report.

Quarterly Reporting

In addition to entering complaint data into the DCTS, departments shall conduct quarterly reporting to CalHR via DCTS regarding complaints. Reporting shall include an acknowledgement that all complaints received during the given reporting period are entered, or a designation that no cases were received.

EEO Offices must retain all complaint files according to established legal standards and/or state retention schedule.


CalHR adheres to the regulations and requirements as set forth in the California Information Practices Act of 1977 (IPA) and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. The information collected for user access is pursuant to security access authority and protection of information, data, and systems of the State of California mandated by Government Code sections 19790 et seq., 11019.9, 11549, State Administrative Manual 5300, and Penal Code section 502. Department staff accessing DCTS data shall be familiar with these state and federal statutes.

All statewide discrimination and harassment complaint data collected within the DCTS is confidential and subject to state policy and data security standards. Information systems used to process/store confidential or sensitive information must protect data from unauthorized access. CalHR’s complete Privacy Policy is located on the CalHR website.

Public Records Act (PRA) Requests

Government Code section 18573 provides that “each appointing power shall provide access to records and prepare reports as required by the board or the department [CalHR]. Information given to the board and the department [CalHR] by any person shall not be open to public inspection except under conditions prescribed by board rule, except that a person may inspect any record relating to his or her own services.”


Existing law provides that the EEO Officer is responsible for ensuring prompt and effective investigations of discrimination complaints. EEO Officers shall ensure that all complaints for the department are entered in the DCTS in accordance with this policy.




Related Policies

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Authorized By

Glenna Wheeler
Chief, Executive Office

Contact Person

Civil Rights
Staff Services Manager I, , Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division
Phone: 916-324-0970
Fax: 916-327-2349
Email: civilrights@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.