2901 - Workforce and Succession Plan Requirements (Historical View)
** Effective: 10/24/2019 3:12:29 PM - 10/29/2019 12:33:32 PM **Status: Active
Change Notes
Improved specificity to workforce and succession plan requirements. Added Annual Reporting Instructions section. Added Equal Opportunity Employment Officers to list of Audiences. Replaced an item in Resources with the Workforce Planning and Succession Planning Programs webpage.
Workforce Planning
Audience List
- Administrative Chiefs
- Agency Secretaries
- Agency Undersecretaries
- Chief Deputy Directors
- Department Deputy Directors
- Department Directors
- Human Resources Chiefs
- Personnel Officers
- Recruitment Coordinators
- Workforce Development Coordinators
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officers
This policy applies to California state organizations that have civil services employees. This policy requires organizations to:
- Have workforce and succession plans that meet minimum requirements as stated in the policy.
- Provide annual status updates on workforce and succession plans.
CalHR requires state organizations with civil service employees to have workforce and succession plans. This proactive and strategic approach to recruit, develop and retain a skilled and diverse workforce ensures organizations can deliver on their critical missions now and in the future. In support of this policy CalHR provides organizations with guidance and resources to develop and conduct effective workforce and succession planning.
CalHR requires all state organizations with civil service employees to maintain current workforce and succession plans, and report to CalHR annually on the status of those plans. In support of this policy, CalHR will annually track the status of each organization’s workforce and succession plans, submission of completed plans, and updates to previous plans.
State organizations are expected to understand the workforce implications of current and future business operations, and have a plan for ensuring there is a capable workforce to carry out the mission and meet business objectives.
Workforce Plan Requirements
To meet the minimum requirements a workforce plan must include the following:
- Alignment with the strategic and operational business goals of the organization.
- Identification of current and future gaps between the staff and competencies that exist (supply) and the staff and competencies needed (demand), and how each gap was determined.
- Action plan containing specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based solutions for addressing identified current and future workforce gaps.
- Process to evaluate the workforce plan’s effectiveness for accomplishing planned outcomes.
- Current plan covering no more than a five-year span, unless otherwise strategically aligned with enterprise goals.
A detailed description of the Workforce Plan requirements are outlined in the Workforce Plan Checklist located in the Workforce Planning Toolkit (link under Resources below), in the “Evaluate a Workforce Plan” section. Also located in the Toolkit is the Workforce Plan Template which provides structure and organization for ensuring all critical components of the workforce plan are included.
Succession Plan Requirements
To meet the minimum requirements a succession plan must include the following:
- Identification of key positions, which could include various levels of leadership, highly technical positions, and other mission critical positions.
- Methodology to identify and prioritize key positions and the pipeline(s) to potentially succeed them.
- Current and future competencies of key positions.
- Development strategies to better position the organization’s entire talent pipeline for career advancement readiness.
- Methodology for assessing the pipeline’s current competencies and overall readiness.
- Identification of current and future gaps between the pipeline’s existing competencies (supply) and the competencies needed (demand) to perform duties of key positions, and targeted strategies for addressing the pipeline’s competency gaps.
- Action plan containing specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based solutions for addressing identified current and future succession planning gaps.
- Process to evaluate the succession plan’s effectiveness for accomplishing planned outcomes.
- Current plan covering no more than a five-year span, unless otherwise strategically aligned with enterprise goals.
A Succession Plan Template which provides structure and organization for ensuring all critical components of the succession plan is located on the Workforce Planning Toolkit webpage.
Annual Reporting Instructions
The process for organizations to report on the status of plans, and submit and provide plan updates to CalHR is as follows:
- CalHR distributes an annual collection survey to organizations in June.
- Organizations complete the survey to indicate the status of their workforce and succession plans in the timeline prescribed, and submit complete plans and/or updates.
- CalHR posts statewide results on the Workforce and Succession Plans Submittal Process webpage.
Additional information on the submittal process is detailed on the Workforce and Succession Plans Submittal Process webpage (link under Resources below).
Web Pages
- Current Workforce and Succession Plan Status : Current Workforce and Succession Plan Status
- State of California Succession Planning Model: State of California Succession Planning Model
- State of California Workforce Planning Model: State of California Workforce Planning Model
- Workforce Planning and Succession Planning Programs: Workforce Planning and Succession Planning Programs
- Workforce Planning Forum: Workforce Planning Forum
- Workforce Planning Statistics: Workforce Planning Statistics
- Workforce Planning Toolkit: Workforce Planning Toolkit
Authorized By
Jeff Douglas
Workforce Development Division
Contact Person
Sarah Gessler
Phone: 916-324-9391
Fax: 916-322-8376
Email: sarah.gessler@calhr.ca.gov