2603 - Reemployment
Audience List
- Examination Managers
- Human Resources Chiefs
- Labor Relations Officers
- Personnel Officers
This policy:
- Describes the process and timeliness for establishing reemployment lists for employees who are impacted by a layoff.
- Informs departments that they can identify a service-wide classification to use for reemployment list eligibility when employees are laid off from a department-specific classification.
- Identifies criteria for obtaining approval from CalHR for the service-wide appropriate classification.
This policy provides direction to departments who are involved in a layoff regarding the need and process for establishing reemployment lists for employees who are laid off or demoted in lieu of layoff.
Establishing Reemployment Lists
To help facilitate the reemployment of laid-off employees, it is essential that reemployment lists be established on a timely basis. Reemployment list eligibility should start on the day immediately following the layoff and remain in effect for five years.
Designating Appropriate Service-wide Classes for Reemployment
An employee who is demoted or laid off may receive general reemployment list eligibility in a class other than the class of layoff when the class of layoff is a department-specific class.
In order to provide employees who are demoted or laid off in department-specific classes a reasonable opportunity for reemployment, CalHR authorizes departments to identify a service-wide class closely related to the department-specific class for placement on a general reemployment list. Government Code Section 19997.11 provides CalHR the authority for the designation of other appropriate classes for general reemployment list eligibility under the circumstances described above.
Departments should follow the below process when establishing reemployment lists:
Contact their CalHR Personnel Management Division (PMD) consultant to request Layoff Department Coordinator access in the Examination and Certification Online System (ECOS) 30 days in advance of the layoff effective date.
Complete the CalHR-016 form two weeks prior to the layoff effective date and maintain for auditing purposes.
Submit the final seniority score lists to the CalHR Service and Seniority Unit as placement on the reemployment list is determined by seniority score. Any delay can jeopardize employees' opportunities for job placement.
CalHR is responsible for auditing the reemployment list forms. To assist in reviewing the CalHR-016 forms, departments are reminded to process the layoff and demotion transactions to be effective at the close of business of the layoff effective date.
Designating Appropriate Service-wide Classes for Reemployment
Departments should identify the service-wide class and must submit substantiation to support their selection of an appropriate class by identifying a class that:
- Has a salary range the same as or lower than the class of layoff;
- Has essentially the same class concept; and
- Is used on a service-wide basis.
Advance approval of the appropriate class is required and will be subject to CalHR review. Please contact the PMD consultant for assistance with identifying an appropriate service-wide class for reemployment.
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.847
- Government Code section 18903
- Government Code section 18904
- Government Code section 18905
- Government Code section 19997.1
- Government Code section 19997.2
- Annual Leave: Frequently Asked Questions
- CalHR-016: Establishing Reemployment Lists Form
- CalHR-016 Instructions: Instructions for Establishing Reemployment Lists Form
- PML 1991-072: PML 1991-072 - 11/8/1991 - Establishing Reemployment Lists
- PML 1992-011: PML 1992-011 - 1/24/1992 - Reemployment List Update
Related Policies
Authorized By
Melissa Russell
Personnel Management Division
Contact Person
Personnel Management Division
Personnel Program Consultant
, Personnel Management Division
Phone: 916-909-3295
Email: pmd@calhr.ca.gov
Superseded Policies
Not Applicable.History
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