1423 - 25-Year Service and Retirement Awards


Benefits and Insurance

Audience List

  • Merit Award Administrators
  • Personnel Officers
  • Procurement Officers


This policy:

  • provides information about the 25-Year Service and Retirement Awards.


The CalHR Benefits Division administers the 25-Year Service and Retirement Awards recognizing state employees who have completed 25 years or more of state service and also recognizes retiring employees who have completed 25 years or more of state service.


The Legislature established the 25-Year Service and Retirement Awards program to recognize state employees who have completed 25 years or more of state service.  There are two types of awards - the Service Award and the Retirement Award.  The Service Award recognizes employees who have completed 25 years of state service.  The Retirement Award recognizes retiring employees who have completed 25 years or more of state service.

25-Year Service Award

The appointing power may present a certificate, plaque, or other suitable memento to state employees with 25 years of completed state service. The cost may not exceed $125.

25-Year Retirement Award

A retiring state employee with at least 25 years of service may receive a 25-Year Retirement Award.  Departments may make a presentation to a retiring employee who, on the date of their retirement, has completed 25 or more years of state service. The cost may not exceed $125.

Who is Eligible?

All state employees.


Departments may purchase mementos for eligible employees directly from the vendors listed on the CalHR Merit Award Program 25-Year Service and Retirement Awards webpage, using form STD 065, the CalCard, or FI$Cal. 

State employees with questions about purchasing awards for their service and retirement award status should contact their HRO.  Each department determines the scope of the awards program available to its employees, and which service providers to utilize.

HRO professionals may contact CalHR at (916) 322-1360 for additional information. 

Effective January 31, 2017, the CalHR Merit Award Program Manager will engage service providers directly with regard to product questions, concerns, and/or complaints.  Communicate all concerns to CalHR in a timely manner.

Non-Core, Higher Cost Items

At the department’s discretion, employees may purchase a gift that is a non-core item, including those above the $125 threshold from the service providers.  The State of California will be responsible for the first $125 (plus the tax on $125).  The employee is responsible for the balance.  At the time of order, it is the employee's responsibility to pay anything above and beyond the $125 plus tax.  Do not place your order until the employee’s portion is paid in full.  The state’s portion of the payment will be standard state terms.




  • Std. 65: Purchasing Authority Purchase Order

Web Pages

Authorized By

Benefits Division
Benefits Division Inquiries
Benefits Division

Contact Person

Merit Award Program
Phone: 916-273-8068
Email: Merit@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.


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Table of Contents

1000 - Equal Employment Opportunity

1100 - Selection

1200 - Appointments

1300 - Exempt Employees

1400 - Benefits and Insurance

1500 - Work Schedules

1600 - Third Party Pre-Tax Parking

1700 - Compensation

1800 - Savings Plus

1900 - Bona Fide Associations

2000 - Collective Bargaining

2100 - Leave

2200 - Travel/Relocation

2300 - State Owned Housing

2400 - Employee Recognition

2600 - Layoffs

2700 - Retirement

2800 - Training

2900 - Workforce Planning

3000 - Examination and Hiring

3100 - Drug-Free Workplace

3200 - Medical Screening

3300 - Apprenticeships

3400 - Temporary Assignment

3500 - Classification Plan