1420 - Basic Group Life Insurance
Benefits and Insurance
Audience List
- Personnel Officers
- Personnel Transactions Staff
- Personnel Transactions Supervisors
This policy
- Provides information about Basic Group Term Life Insurance.
- Provides eligibility criteria and level of coverage.
- Provides benefit amount.
- Provides information about impact to benefits upon movement to represented status.
- States information about rolling over state paid insurance into retirement at employee cost.
- Provides MetLife contact information.
- States administrative fee.
- States annual age updates.
The Basic Group Term Life Insurance Program is offered at no charge to managers, supervisors, confidential, and other specified excluded employees. This benefit is provided to excluded employees in the event of an accidental death or dismemberment.
The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) Benefits Division, maintains responsibility for the program. The carrier for the Basic Group Term Life Insurance Program is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife).
Benefit Amount and Employer Contribution
Benefit Amount Employer Contribution
$50,000 Policy $9.75
$25,000 Policy at age 70 $5.13
$25,000 Policy $5.13
$12,500 Policy at age 70 $2.81
Age 70
The Basic Group Term Life Insurance policy for excluded employees requires that when the employees reaches age 70, their employer-paid life insurance premiums and benefit will be reduced by 50 percent. This reduction is effective on January 1, after the year in which the employee turns age 70 and is reflected in the December pay period.
It is the Department’s responsibility to communicate this information to their excluded employees, prior to December.
Administrative Fee
The employing departments pay a monthly administrative fee of $.50 cents per enrolled employee.
Current state employees who wish to continue their Basic Group Term Life Insurance coverage into retirement at their cost must enroll within 30 days after retirement.
At age 65 the Basic Group Term Life Insurance is reduced by 50 percent, then to a flat amount at age 70.
Under 65:
Supervisors: $25,000 coverage
Managers: $50,000 coverage
Ages 65-69:
Supervisors: $12,500 coverage
Managers: $25,000 coverage
Age 70 and over:
Supervisors: $5,000 coverage
Managers: $5,000 coverage
Administrative Fee for Retirees
There is an administrative charge of $0.45 cents per month paid by retirees.
Employees must work half time or more with one of the following designations:
Permanent, CEA, Limited Term of 6 months and over, or Temporary Authorization (TAU) appointment in lieu of permanent appointment if CBID is:
- Managerial
- Supervisory
- Confidential
- E48, E50, E58, E59, E68, E78, E79, E88, E89, E92, E97, E98, E99
- E90 in class codes 2545, 4189, 4232, 5309, 5316, 5319, and 5695 or
- E91 in class codes 5987, 5988, 5991 or
- Employees moved to E01 through E21, E67 or E77 due to middle management reductions or
- Permanent Intermittent employees who meet the above requirements.
Level of Coverage
The amount of coverage is based on an employee's designation as specified below:
CBID: M, E50, E59, E79, E88, E89, E90*, E91, E92, E99 or E77***
- Amount of Coverage: $50,000 Basic
- Plus $50,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Deduction Code: 200-003
- Employer Contribution: $9.75/month
CBID: Managers moved to E01 through E21***
- Amount of Coverage: $50,000 Basic
- Plus $50,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Deduction Code: 200-004
- Employer Contribution: $9.75/month
CBID: C, S, E48, E58, E68, E97, E98, E67***, E78** Supervisors moved to E01 through E21***
- Amount of Coverage: $25,000 Basic
- Plus $25,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Deduction Code: 200-003
- Employer Contribution: $5.13/month
CBID: Judges and Staff
The Judicial Council is responsible for auditing and determining temporary employee's eligibility before submitting the STD. 698 (Life Insurance Enrollment Authorization) form to the State Controller's Office.
- Amount of Coverage: $50,000 Basic
- Plus $50,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Deduction Code: 200-005
- Employer Contribution: $9.75/month
* Only in certain class codes as listed under "Eligibility".
** Employees moved to E58 or E78 due to mid-management reductions retain the $50,000 management coverage; however, future incumbents receive the $25,000 supervisory level.
*** Employees moved to E01 through E21, E67, or E77 due to mid-management reductions retain their level of coverage prior to the re-designation; however, future incumbents are designated represented and are not eligible for this benefit.
Loss of Eligibility
Employees who are designated confidential, supervisory, and managerial under the Ralph C. Dills Act receive certain leave and other benefits that exceed those provided to represented employees.
Voluntary Movement from Excluded to Represented
Employees enrolled in the state-paid Basic Group Term Life Insurance, may convert their insurance coverage without evidence of insurability. A conversion authorization form must be submitted to MetLife with 30 days of appointment to a represented classification.
Adverse Actions
Loss of eligibility due to an adverse action will be handled the same as a voluntary movement.
Involuntary Re-designation to a Represented Position
Involuntary transfer includes certain movements from supervisory to rank and file position and reassignment of confidential employee to non-confidential position and is involuntary (but without fault) on the employees part, and the CBID is changed immediately, to reflect the new position.
Upon the employee’s involuntary change the employing department must pay 12 months of basic life insurance premiums as noted in the employer contribution. Premiums are to be paid directly to MetLife and must be accompanied by a cover memo with the employee’s name, last four of the employee's social security number, home address, the employee’s effective date of prior CBID and effective date of the new CBID change.
Metropolitan Life Insurance (MetLife)
Policy number 74503
For information, contact:
MetLife Customer Service
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Pacific Time
(800) 252-8524
At the end of the 12-month period, the employee may convert the coverage to a private policy without medical review and the new premium will be at the employee’s expense.
If employees have questions regarding their life insurance or how to continue life insurance into retirement, the employee can contact MetLife at 1-800-252-8524.
Not Applicable.Authorities
- MetLife GR-TR-BENE-MET1-CA: Group Term Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation
Web Pages
- MetLife: Supplemental Life Insurance Enrollment for Excluded Employees
Authorized By
Benefits Division
Benefits Division Inquiries
Benefits Division
Contact Person
Group Term Life Insurance
Phone: 916-909-2863
Email: lifeinsurance@calhr.ca.gov
Superseded Policies
Not Applicable.History
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