1418 - Employee Assistance Program


Benefits and Insurance

Audience List

  • Employee Assistance Program Coordinators
  • Labor Relations Officers
  • Personnel Officers


This policy

  • Provides general information about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits.


State of California employees and their eligible dependents have access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  This program is provided by the State of California as part of the state’s commitment to promoting employee health and wellbeing.  It is offered at no charge to the employee and provides a valuable resource for support and information during difficult times, as well as consultation on day-to-day concerns.  EAP is an assessment, short-term counseling, and referral service designed to provide assistance in managing everyday concerns.  EAP offers confidential clinical assistance.


The state’s EAP provides for assessment, short-term counseling, and referral services for a wide range of needs such as family and marital issues, emotional, personal, and stress concerns, financial and legal matters, alcohol and drug abuse, and dependent (elder and child) care.  There are three levels of counseling services.  The number of counseling sessions available for the employee and their dependents is based upon the employee’s employment category (i.e., collective bargaining identification code) as described in their bargaining unit contract and memorandum of understanding for rank and file employees.  EAP may be accessed in three ways: self-referral; supervisor recommendation; and formal supervisor referral.

Active state employees, their lawful spouse or registered domestic partner, and unmarried, dependent children are eligible.  Dependent children include natural, adopted, or stepchildren who are under the age of 23.  Children of any age who are incapable of self-sustaining employment due to a mental or physical disability are also eligible.  Dependent children in the military are not eligible.

When both spouses and registered domestic partners are state employees, both spouses or registered domestic partners and their family members are entitled to the counseling services under each employee’s employment category.  Group counseling sessions of standard duration with one counselor are counted as one session.


The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) provides EAP services through a CalHR administered contract for EAP services on behalf of state departments.  State departments may participate in the CalHR-sponsored program or they may manage their own internal program.  For departments participating in the CalHR-sponsored program there are two aspects of EAP services. The first covers basic EAP benefits provided to employees and their dependents. The second covers the fee-for-services portion for services that are not covered by the master agreement and are departmental specific such as critical incident stress debriefings, specialized orientations, training services, etc.




  • PML 2015-019: PML 2015-019 - 7/1/2015 - Magellan Healthcare: New Employee Assistance Program Vendor July 1, 2015

Web Pages

Authorized By

Benefits Division
Benefits Division Inquiries
Benefits Division

Contact Person

Employee Assistance Program
Phone: 916-909-2863
Email: EAP@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.


View History

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Table of Contents

1000 - Equal Employment Opportunity

1100 - Selection

1200 - Appointments

1300 - Exempt Employees

1400 - Benefits and Insurance

1500 - Work Schedules

1600 - Third Party Pre-Tax Parking

1700 - Compensation

1800 - Savings Plus

1900 - Bona Fide Associations

2000 - Collective Bargaining

2100 - Leave

2200 - Travel/Relocation

2300 - State Owned Housing

2400 - Employee Recognition

2600 - Layoffs

2700 - Retirement

2800 - Training

2900 - Workforce Planning

3000 - Examination and Hiring

3100 - Drug-Free Workplace

3200 - Medical Screening

3300 - Apprenticeships

3400 - Temporary Assignment

3500 - Classification Plan