1205 - Military Seniority
Audience List
- Labor Relations Officers
- Personnel Officers
- Personnel Transactions Staff
- Personnel Transactions Supervisors
This policy
- Describes how the provisions of Government Code section 19997.6 are applied during a layoff.
- Provides further guidance in interpreting the Government Code and the California Civil Service Layoff Manual pertaining to military seniority points.
- Provides instruction on how to award points for the employees’ military service.
In accordance with Government Code section 19997.6, during a layoff a veteran may qualify for up to 12 additional seniority points for qualifying military service that was served in the armed services prior to their employment with the State of California if they meet the criteria in Government Code section19997.6.
A veteran is a person who has served full-time in the armed forces during a specified campaign and has been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. The specified campaigns are listed in the Layoff Manual, Department of Defense Form.
DD214 must be used by the department to verify the veteran’s discharge status and campaigns.
Seniority for military service is credited at one point per month for each month of full-time military service up to a maximum of 12 months. The service credit is based on the amount of time in the military, not the amount of time served in a campaign. The campaign must have occurred during the time that the veteran was in the military.
When a department is in a layoff, the employee’s personnel office will verify the following information and will award one point for each qualifying month of service up to the maximum of 12 points:
- The employee is on a seniority list for layoff.
- The employee has a preliminary seniority score.
- The employee has submitted a CalHR - 190 (Military Service Information Form) to their personnel office.
- The employee submitted the required discharge document from the armed forces.
- The employee served in the armed forces prior to entering state service by means other than reinstatement from military leave.
- The employee was active duty during a campaign or received an armed forces expeditionary medal for a qualifying expedition that is listed in CCR 300.1.
- The employee was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 300.1
- Government Code section 18540
- Government Code section 18540.1
- Government Code section 18540.2
- Government Code section 18540.3
- Government Code section 18540.4
- Government Code section 19997.6
- CalHR 190: Military Service Information Form
- PML 1991-067: PML 1991-067 - 10/15/1991 - Counting Prior Military Service for Seniority
- PML 1991-087: PML 1991-087 - 12/26/1991 - Military Service for Seniority Credit
- PML 1996-047: PML 1996-047 - 9/20/1996 - Change in the Awarding of Seniority Credit for Prior Military Service During Layoff
Related Policies
Web Pages
- Campaigns and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medals: Campaigns and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medals
- Layoff Manual, Section 400.3: Layoff Manual
- Military Service Qualification Worksheets: Military Service Qualification Worksheets
Authorized By
Melissa Russell
Personnel Management Division
Contact Person
Service and Seniority Unit Seniority Unit
Personnel Program Consultant
, Service and Seniority Unit
Phone: 916-324-9381
Fax: 926-324-0016
Email: serviceseniority@calhr.ca.gov
Superseded Policies
Not Applicable.History
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