1007 - Monitoring Qualifications Appraisal Panel Composition
Equal Employment Opportunity
Audience List
- Administrative Chiefs
- Agency Secretaries
- Department Directors
- Examination Managers
- Examination Officers
- Human Resources Chiefs
- Labor Relations Officers
- Personnel Officers
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officers
- Selection Managers
This policy:
describes the responsibility of agency Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) officers to monitor oral examination panel composition
specifies monitoring requirements for compliance
establishes an effective method to conduct monitoring
establishes a reporting mechanism to the Directorate
Mandated by Government Code section 19795(a), all state agency EEO Officers are required to monitor the composition of oral panels in departmental examinations. A fundamental responsibility exists for state agencies to safeguard against practices that influence outcomes of oral interview examinations and to prevent discrimination against prospective candidates who take them. In accordance with California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 195, when selecting panel members, consideration shall be given to individuals who represent the diversity of the State civil service workforce and are familiar with the classification qualifications for which the examination is held.
Each state agency’s EEO Officer is responsible to conduct monitoring and evaluation of all exam Qualifications Appraisal Panels (QAP). Should the report of findings identify issues of concern, the EEO Officer shall make recommendations to the appointing power (i.e., Director, Executive Officer, Deputy Director, etc.) in order to bring the QAP process into compliance.
EEO Officers shall obtain a listing of scheduled exams requiring QAP each Fiscal Year. Departmental Human Resources offices shall provide the QAP exam listing upon request.
EEO Officers shall then obtain the workforce demographics for each classification on the QAP list for the department and as appropriate, for statewide hiring. EEO Officers shall evaluate the existing data to determine if an issue of underutilization exists for the classification (the department Workforce Analysis may be utilized to inform this application section).
For any classification in which underutilization is identified, the Personnel Officer shall be notified of the issue prior to the planning of the QAP panel and/or as part of the workforce analysis process.
EEO Officers shall also obtain the composition of each QAP panel and evaluate to determine if it represents the diversity in the state workforce. For those determined not to be diverse, EEO Officers shall inquire from the Examination Unit what steps, if any, were taken to address the diversity of the panel.
At the conclusion of the Fiscal Year, but no later than August 1, the EEO Officer shall include a report of findings for each QAP conducted in the course of the FY concerning its composition, and make recommendations where appropriate and include:
For each panel, an explanation whether its composition is diverse.
If a panel lacks diversity, explain what efforts were made toward compliance and give recommendations to improve diversity.
The report shall be submitted to the department Director and Personnel Officer.
Reporting Format
Departments may use the sample report format to document and report findings of oral exam panel composition or utilize their own process, which requires at a minimum, information requested in the sample format.
QAP panel monitoring reports are subject to review by the State Personnel Board for compliance purposes.
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, Section 174.7
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 195
- Government Code section 19798.5
- Government Code section 19797
- Government Code section 19795(a)
- Government Code section 7400(a)(1)
- Guide for Monitoring Examination Qualifications Appraisal Panel Composition.pdf: Guide for Monitoring Examination Qualifications Appraisal Panel Composition
Authorized By
Division Chief
Civil Rights Programs
Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division
Contact Person
Civil Rights
Program Manager
Phone: 916-909-3707
Email: civil.rights@calhr.ca.gov
Superseded Policies
Not Applicable.History
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