1001 - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer Role
Equal Employment Opportunity
Audience List
- Agency Secretaries
- Department Directors
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officers
- Human Resources Chiefs
This policy identifies the following requirements:
- Ensure no discriminatory employment practices, policies, or procedures exist within the work environment.
- Appoint an EEO Officer.
- Implement a written non-discrimination and harassment policy, procedures, and a dissemination process.
- Define the written, internal discrimination complaint process.
- Conduct mandated sexual harassment prevention and education training.
- Administer the state agency's EEO programs.
All state agencies have an affirmative duty to take reasonable steps to prevent and promptly address discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Agencies are responsible for integrating EEO into every aspect of human resource management policies and practices in the recruitment, examination, selection, training, and advancement of employees.
Equal employment opportunity is afforded to all applicants and employees without regard to the protected characteristics identified by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). (1)
The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR), Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division (EAMSD) provides guidance on the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer.
Each state agency is responsible for implementing non-discrimination policies, procedures, and practices and ensuring they are integrated into every aspect of employment. The appointing power of each agency shall appoint, at the managerial level, an EEO Officer whose primary role is to objectively monitor and assess agency personnel policies and practices, recommend administrative changes to prevent discrimination, promptly address complaints, administer EEO programs, and continuously facilitate EEO.
State law (2) requires the EEO Officer report directly to, and be placed under the supervision of, the agency Director to develop, implement, coordinate, and monitor the agency’s EEO Program. In an agency with less than 500 employees, the EEO Officer may be the Personnel Officer, but must report to the agency Director.
EEO Officer Role and Responsibilities
The EEO Officer is responsible for providing agency-wide leadership to achieve equal employment opportunity in every aspect of employment. The EEO Officer advises staff and management on the development, implementation, and maintenance of discrimination-free policies, procedures, and practices, and ensures a work environment free from discrimination for all applicants and employees, including volunteers, students, and interns.
EEO Officers and human resources professionals must work collaboratively. Total integration of EEO into every aspect of human resource management policies and practices is vital.
The EEO Officer monitors the agency’s policies and procedures on recruitment, examination, hiring, and retention to ensure that no non-job-related barriers or discriminatory practices exist. The EEO Officer shall bring EEO issues of concern to the appointing power and recommend appropriate action. In addition, the EEO Officer shall monitor, analyze, and report on appointments of employees. (3)
The EEO Officer has an integral role in efforts to achieve a diverse workforce. When the agency’s annual workforce analysis identifies a significant underutilization relative to that category’s representation in the relevant labor force, the EEO Officer should work with the appropriate workforce development and human resources staff to improve representation.
The EEO Officer is responsible for implementation, enforcement, and monitoring of EEO program components outlined below. Some agencies may administer some of the program components and responsibilities in other program areas, such as Human Resources, Health and Safety, or Training. However, it is the responsibility of the EEO Officer to monitor the effectiveness of the programs to prevent discrimination and ensure compliance with state and federal statutes, regulations, and reporting requirements.
Non-Discrimination Policies
The State of California, as an employer, has an affirmative responsibility to prevent discriminatory conduct. Developing non-discrimination policies is the first step in prevention. The EEO Officer is responsible for ensuring that applicable written policies and procedures are developed, implemented, and enforced for the prevention of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, in the workplace. (4)
Written policies shall include a statement committing to EEO and prohibiting employees, supervisors, and third parties from engaging in conduct that is prohibited by the FEHA.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. FEHA states that harassment based on sex includes sexual harassment, gender harassment, and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual advances or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which does not have to be motivated by sexual desire. (5)
State agencies are required to take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring. (6) While FEHA legally defines sexual harassment, agency policies are intended to be preventative and shall state that one act of prohibited behavior or conduct may constitute a violation of the agency’s policy.
To prevent and combat sexual harassment, each agency is required by law (7) to provide training and education on sexual harassment prevention and to outline supervisory responsibilities. Every two years, each agency shall provide at least two hours of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment prevention to all supervisory employees, and at least one hour of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention to all nonsupervisory employees. The agency shall provide training to nonsupervisory employees within six months of hire and to supervisory employees within six months of the assumption of a supervisory position. (8) The training shall include information and practical guidance regarding the federal and state statutory provisions, practical examples aimed at instructing supervisors on the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; shall be presented by trainers or educators with knowledge and expertise in the prevention of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation; and shall include prevention of abusive conduct (9) as a component of the training. The training should include information on the agency’s non-discrimination and harassment policies and procedures.
The training is intended to establish a minimum threshold. Agencies may provide longer, more frequent, or more elaborate training on other forms of unlawful discrimination or policy violations to meet its obligations to prevent and correct harassment and discrimination and to promote a respectful workplace.
The EEO Officer’s responsibilities include oversight of the training curriculum and learning objectives to ensure that employees are well informed of the provisions of the policy, understand their rights to a harassment-free work environment, understand complaint procedures, and that all aspects of the training requirements are met.
Discrimination Complaint Process
Employers have an obligation under both federal and state laws to conduct a prompt, thorough, and objective investigation when an employee files a discrimination complaint. The EEO Officer is responsible for ensuring prompt and effective investigations of discrimination complaints. Written discrimination complaint policies and/or procedures shall include the following: (10)
- List of protected categories under FEHA.
- Process for filing and resolving complaints of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation.
- Requirement for timely response.
- The right to an impartial and timely investigation by qualified personnel.
- Documentation and tracking for reasonable progress.
- A complaint mechanism that does not require an employee to complain directly to his or her immediate supervisor, including but not limited to the EEO Officer, an HR Manager, or a complaint hotline.
- Identification of the agency EEO Officer.
- Timely case closures.
- Options for additional avenues for filing complaints with the Civil Rights Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
- Instructions for supervisors to report complaints to the EEO Office.
- Affirmation that the EEO Officer will conduct a fair, timely, and thorough investigation that provides all parties appropriate due process and reaches reasonable conclusions based on the evidence collected.
- Statements that confidentiality will be kept by the employer to the reasonable extent possible, but not indicating that the investigation will be completely confidential.
- Assertion that if at the end of the investigation inappropriate conduct is found, appropriate action shall be taken.
- Assurance that employees shall not be exposed to retaliation for filing a complaint or participating in any EEO protected activity, including EEO investigations.
Dissemination of the policy shall include one or more of the following methods:
- Provide a copy to all employees with an acknowledgment form for the employee to sign and return.
- Send the policy via e-mail with an acknowledgment return form.
- Post current versions of the policies on the agency’s intranet with a tracking system ensuring all employees have read and acknowledged receipt of the policies.
- Discuss policies upon hire and/or during a new hire orientation session.
- Any other way that ensures employees receive and understand the policies.
Each state agency shall create a complaint process to ensure complaints are addressed in a timely manner. The process shall be consistent with state laws and rules and provide information regarding filing appeals of agency decisions on these complaints and alternative filing options. (11) Each complaint filed with the agency may be in writing and shall state both the facts upon which the complaint is based and, the relief requested. (12) The EEO Officer shall ensure prompt and effective investigations of discrimination complaints, including harassment and retaliation.
Discrimination Complaint Tracking and Monitoring
The Discrimination Complaint Tracking System (DCTS) is California’s system of record to track and monitor statewide discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and denial of reasonable accommodation complaint activities. CalHR uses the DCTS to collect and report statewide data relevant to EEO complaints. (13)
The EEO Officer is responsible for entering discrimination complaint data into the DCTS, overseeing EEO investigators’ DCTS data entry responsibilities, approving case closures, and submitting quarterly reports to the EAMSD. Strict guidelines exist to protect against unauthorized access to DCTS. EEO Officers and authorized EEO Managers and EEO Investigators are required to read and follow the security and access guidelines at all times and attend training prior to accessing the DCTS. Requests for new user authorization, access changes (e.g., role changes or movement from one department’s EEO Office to another), or user deactivation must be approved by CalHR EAMSD.
Annual Workforce Analysis
Each EEO Officer shall develop, update annually, and implement an equal opportunity plan (known as the Workforce Analysis) (14) which shall, at the minimum, identify the areas of significant underutilization of specific groups based on race, ethnicity, and gender. Each agency must provide an analysis of their workforce composition, upward mobility program, and representation of persons with disabilities. Workforce composition shall include an explanation and specific actions for removing any non-job-related employment barriers.
The Upward Mobility program shall include annual agency goals that include both the number of employees expected to progress from positions in low-paying, entry-level classifications to entry-level technical, professional, and administrative classification, and the timeframe within which this progress shall occur. (15)
Each agency is required to annually survey the number of persons with disabilities in their agency and compare those numbers with the number of persons with disabilities in the workforce. (16) Each EEO Officer is responsible for establishing an effective EEO program (17) to ensure persons with disabilities have equal access to employment.
Upward Mobility Program
Each agency is required to have a written Upward Mobility policy statement regarding the agency’s commitment to provide upward mobility opportunities for employees in low-paying entry-level classifications and information on how employees may participate and access Upward Mobility program information. An Upward Mobility Coordinator shall be appointed to coordinate, monitor and report on the agency’s Upward Mobility program efforts. (18)
The EEO Officer ensures the agency establishes a policy (19) and procedures for implementing an Upward Mobility program. In some agencies, the Upward Mobility program may be administered outside of an EEO Office. Regardless, the EEO Officer has the responsibility to ensure that upward mobility opportunities exist and to monitor the effectiveness of the program.
Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP)
The EEO Officer plays an important role in ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal access to employment opportunities and benefits. The Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) is an alternative examination process to facilitate the hiring of persons with disabilities. To facilitate implementation of the LEAP examination and appointment process, appointing powers may designate coordinators. LEAP Coordinators ensure that the agency meets LEAP requirements and that hiring managers and LEAP candidates are provided guidance and consultation. In some agencies, the LEAP Coordinator may be outside of an EEO Office. Regardless, the EEO Officer is responsible for monitoring LEAP’s effectiveness and for ensuring it is being utilized properly.
Reasonable Accommodation (RA)
Disability Accommodation
California state agencies are required by state and federal laws (20) to provide Reasonable Accommodation (RA) to applicants and employees with disabilities. An RA may be a modification or adjustment to a job or to the work environment that enables an individual with a disability to have the same employment opportunities and benefits as those without a disability. When an individual makes an RA request (21), agencies are required to engage in an interactive process with the requester in an individualized assessment of the essential job functions and the specific limitations of the person with a disability.
Employers are required to engage in the interactive process with the applicant or employee who requested RA. California law (22) states that it is unlawful to discriminate or retaliate against a person for requesting an accommodation based on a mental or physical disability. It may also be unlawful to deny a reasonable accommodation to which an employee is entitled. In some agencies, the RA program may be administered outside of an EEO Office. EEO Officers are responsible for ensuring the RA process is properly administered and for monitoring the effectiveness of the RA policy and program.
Religious Accommodation
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the FEHA prohibit employment discrimination based on religion. This discrimination includes refusing to accommodate an applicant’s or employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs or practices. Applicants and employees may obtain exceptions to rules or policies to fulfill their essential job functions within the constraints of their religious beliefs or practices. While Religious Accommodation provisions may be administered outside of an EEO Office, the EEO Officer provides oversight to ensure the agency maintains a Religious Accommodation policy and associated procedures, and that an applicant or employee is not denied of rights or benefits because of their religious belief or practice.
Language Access Program
The Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act (Act) (23) was established to provide effective communication between all levels of government in the state and the people of the state who would otherwise be prevented from using public services because of language barriers.24 Each state agency must designate an employee responsible for ensuring that all substantial language communities are provided the same level of service as English speakers are. This role includes coordinating the agency’s Language Survey and Implementation Plan to determine which language communities served by the agency are substantial and to resolve any identified language access deficiencies. In many agencies, this Language Access Coordinator is within the EEO Office.
Disability Advisory Committee (DAC)
Each state agency shall establish a Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) comprised of employees with disabilities or who have an interest in disability issues, to advise the Agency Secretary/Director about concerns to employees with disabilities. Agencies shall invite all employees to serve on the DAC and take appropriate steps to ensure the committee is comprised of members who have disabilities or who have an interest in disability issues. The EEO Officer provides leadership and guidance, and ensures the agency establishes and maintains an active DAC. (24)
- Government Code section 12940 et seq.
- Government Code section 19795(a)
- Government Code section 19795(a)
- Government Code section 19794(a)
- 2 California Code of Regulations 11034 (f)
- Government Code section 12940 (k)
- 2 California Code of Regulations 11024
- Government Code section 12950.1(a)(1)
- Government Code section 12950.1(a)(1-3)
- 2 California Code of Regulations section 11023
- Government Code sections 19794(b) and 2 CCR 11023(b)(4)
- 2 California Code of Regulations 64.3
- Government Code section 19792(k)
- Government Code section 19797
- Government Code section 19402
- Government Code section 19233(b)
- Government Code section 19232
- 2 California Code of Regulations 599.983
- Government Code section 19794(c)
- 2 California Code of Regulations 11064(b)
- 2 California Code of Regulations 11068(k)
- Government Code section 7290 et seq.
- Government Code section 7291
- Government Code section 19795(b)
Not Applicable.Authorities
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11023 (b)
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11023(b) (4)
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11024
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11059
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11060
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11062
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 64.3
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 64.4
- California Code of Regulations, title 2, sections 547.50 to 547.57
- Government Code section 12926 (q)
- Government Code section 12950
- Government Code section 12950.1
- Government Code section 19230
- Government Code section 19232
- Government Code section 19401
- Government Code section 19402
- Government Code section 19794, (a) and (c)
- Government Code section 19795 and 19795(b)
- Government Code section 19797
- Government Code sections 12940 to 12951
- Government Code sections 19240 to 19241.5
- Government Code sections 19700 to 19706
- Government Code sections 19790 to 19799
- Government Code sections 7290 to 7299.8
- United States Code, title 42, chapter 126
Web Pages
- Language Access Program: Language Access Information
- Workforce Analysis and Census of Employees: formal reports about state civil service employee demographics
Authorized By
Division Chief
Civil Rights Programs
Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division
Contact Person
Civil Rights
Program Manager
Phone: 916-909-3707
Email: civil.rights@calhr.ca.gov
Superseded Policies
Not Applicable.History
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