1404 - Vision (Historical View)

** Effective: 7/14/2017 2:54:19 PM - 7/14/2017 2:56:44 PM **

Status: Active

Change Notes

updates to PCR information


Benefits and Insurance

Audience List


This policy:


The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) administers the state’s vision insurance coverage for eligible state employees, retirees, and their eligible dependents. CalHR sets policy and procedures on eligibility and enrollment.


Eligibility for participation in the state’s vision benefit program is governed by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System’s (CalPERS) Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act, which also determines eligibility for participation in the state’s health benefit program.

Departmental HR staff are responsible for ensuring that only eligible employees and their dependents are enrolled in state-sponsored vision benefits.

Eligibility and Enrollment

Employees are eligible for vision benefits if they:

Additionally, departmental HR staff must complete a Premier Vision Plan Enrollment (CalHR Form 774) to document the administrative cancellation of benefits for each ineligible dependent enrolled in the Premier Vision plan and notify employees of PCR dependents that are no longer eligible for Basic Vision benefits, as needed.

A sample letter that departments can use to notify employees of the annual PCR recertification requirement is available in the HR Net section of CalHR’s website.  Employees should be notified at least 60 days in advance of the recertification deadline.

PCR Dependents Enrolled in both Health and Vision Benefits

Initial Enrollment:

Employee must complete and submit a Health Benefit Plan Enrollment Form (CalPERS Form HBD-12), Declaration of Health Coverage (HBD-12A), Vision Plan Enrollment Authorization (STD. 700) or Premier Vision Plan Enrollment (CalHR Form 774), CalPERS Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship (CalPERS Form HBD-40), the Dependent Eligibility Verification Checklist (CalHR Form 781), and the required verification documents.

If an employee has submitted the CalPERS Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship (CalPERS Form HBD-40) for enrollment of a PCR dependent in the state’s health benefit program, the employee is not required to submit the CalHR Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship (CalHR Form 025) for enrollment in the state’s vision benefits as receipt of the CalPERS Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship (CalPERS Form HBD-40) is sufficient.

Departmental HR staff must follow the certification process in accordance with CalPERS Circular Letter #600-008-15. Only upon receipt and review of documents provided by the employee to substantiate an eligible relationship with the dependent shall the child be enrolled.

Annual Recertification:

Employee must recertify each PCR dependent’s eligibility annually by submitting a new signed and dated CalPERS Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship (CalPERS Form HBD-40), Dependent Eligibility Verification Checklist (CalHR Form 781), and the required verification documents to substantiate a continuance of the parent-child relationship.  Follow the recertification process in accordance with CalPERS Circular Letter #600-058-12.

CalPERS is responsible for notifying employees of the annual recertification requirement and administratively disenrolling PCR dependents whose eligibility for participation in the state’s health benefits program is not recertified.  These dependents are identified for departmental HR staff on the CalPERS departmental monthly “Employer Health Event” Cognos report.

Departmental HR staff are responsible for:

Premium Rates

State-Sponsored Vision Plans

Basic Vision

Basic Vision
Party CodeState ShareEmployee ShareTotal Premium (CoBen)

Premier Vision

Premier Vision
Party CodeState ShareEmployee ShareTotal Premium (CoBen)

Retiree Vision Plans

Basic Vision

Retiree Basic Vision
Party CodeRetiree Premium

Premier Vision

Retiree Premier Vision
Party CodeRetiree Premium



Refer to Benefits Administration Manual, Vision Section 1200 for instructions on completing enrollment and eligibility forms.






Related Policies

Web Pages

Authorized By

Contact Person

Lisa Hatten
Program Manager, , Vision Insurance Plans
Phone: 916-445-9795
Fax: 916-322-3769
Email: lisa.hatten@calhr.ca.gov

Superseded Policies

Not Applicable.